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Peter Cooper


Peter has been a youth and children’s worker for churches in Rochdale and Gravesend. He and his family now live in Kidderminster. Peter has spent three years as a children’s worker with St Chad’s Church. He is also an award-winning ventriloquist, puppeteer and magician. He and his family also form the Storytellers Puppet Theatre.

Peter has written "What’s in it for me?", a Bible teaching resource from Crusaders, and has contributed 23 sketches to the One Way UK publication "50 Puppet Sketches for all Occasions" as well as articles for a number of different publications. In 2010 he published his first novel, "April’s Fools".

Peter loves arts and crafts, and is an experienced face-painter. (He painted Emily’s 'leopard' on the top of this page).


As well as having been a conference speaker, he is a member of the Fellowship of Christian Magicians, the Association of Christian Writers, Equity and the Evangelical Alliance. Also, Peter is affiliated to Urban Saints, CPAS, and an honorary Brownie!

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Simon Cooper


Peter's son Simon is manager of the Barrel of Fun" shop and drop-in centre. He is a juggler, puppeteer and magician. Simon is also a first aider.

He has a NVQ in Childcare and Education, and has worked as a nursery nurse, a primary school classroom assistant and a disability escort. He has attended Pathfinder Ventures (residential trips for young people) as a leader for more than 10 years. He is developing his skills as an Escapologist, but his dad says that’s just so he can get out of doing the washing up.

Simon is disabled with a lung condition, so he associates well with young people who are disadvantaged in any way.


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Phil Bentley (Chairman)


Phil is a qualified Waste Manager with Health & Safety and site management qualifications. He has been a trustee since the start of this charity and brings a professional business head to the proceedings regarding finance and planning.



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Geoff Surridge


Geoff  is married, a retired Civil Servant, now fully trained grandfather; lay preacher in the C of E parish of Kidderminster East; enthusiastic supporter of engaging with the wider community through Messy Church. 


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David Underhill


David is now retired, is married with two children and has lived in Kidderminster since 1980. Before retiring he was Head of Physics in a local High School.  He has been a member of St. Chad’s Church in Kidderminster since the early 1980s and has known and supported Peter and his family since they came to Kidderminster in 2005. He is a member of St. Chad’s DCC and Hon. Treasurer for KoHCO.



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Hannah Tainton


After finishing a degree in Molecular Biology and Genetics, Hannah moved back home and is now a teaching assistant. In her spare time, she likes to sing, play piano and draw and also has a love of computer and board games. She says: “I have seen the good work this charity has done in the local community which is why I became a trustee.”

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